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Concept Thirteen - FOR DELIVERY.jpg

Have no doubt about it:
The Definition of "Human" is Changing 

   While Forever for a Moment is fiction, almost everything contained within is either possible or happening now. Humans are walking around today with artificially modified genes. I wrote this novel to explore what I consider a clear and imminent existential threat to the definition of “human.” For the first time, we as a species can “self-program.” In some sense, we are all walking, talking, and breathing computers, with our DNA being our programming code. And now, we can reach inside of our cells and change our very own code. It is not a matter of if but when nefarious actors modify humans for profit. It will start with “curing” genetic diseases in children. After all, who doesn’t want to cure children? It will then move onto adults and genetic disorders. But as we become accustomed to genetic modifications in living humans, the lines between illness and traits and preferences will become blurred, and transhumans will emerge. If we as a society don’t take this threat seriously and implement draconian measures to curtail the genetic engineering of living humans, our children’s children will be competing against a new species that I call Homo independus. I hope this novel provides you with a foundation to ponder the ramifications – both positive and negative – of transhumanism – and that you express any concerns you might have to those in power – before they too succumb to the addicting elixir of genetic engineering of the human genome. But know this, it may already be too late to put the genie back into the proverbial bottle.

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